A playlist to soothe and inspire, as featured in The Simple Things magazine
22 July 2020

I created a mix tape. It’s for whoever finds it and feels attracted to its playfulness. Those moments where genres bend, blend and juxtapose to…
Words that soothe.
Beats that groove.
Tunes that propose a shimmy.
Dare a toe tap.
Invite a finger click.
I made it for The Simple Things magazine in response to their mix tape competition. I was hugely flattered to win. Made during COVID-19 lockdown, I was curious to explore how I could curate songs into a pathway that could soothe and in doing so, shift us into a more positive and hopeful place. It’s called Sunshine and Moonbeams because in the storm of the pandemic – all the change, the heartache, the confusion, the isolation and the struggle – the sun and moon have been a constant.
Catch a deep breath. A hug. A moment of surrender…