Time was away and somewhere else… Friday 5 June 2020, YouTube premiere at 15:00

Culture Bite Concert Series, Victoria Gallery and Museum, Liverpool

The University of Liverpool’s Department of Music and the VG&M present a new way of enjoying  ‘Relaxed Concerts’ from the comfort of your own home.  On the first Friday of each month, a musician or group respond to an artwork or an artist from the VG&M Art & Heritage Collection. The response is realised in a unique video.

Time was away and somewhere else weaves art, music, botany, poetry and film to explore the environment and culture that inspired the artist and botanist, Dr Margery Knight. During COVID-19 lockdown, performance artist, Louise Ashcroft, sits in her armchair to explore five of Knight’s paintings of the Isle of Man in the collection of the VG&M. The paintings become a portal for Louise to return home. Join us, as we go off the beaten track into a meeting point of the hills, sea and sky. Step in. Dwell. Adventure.

Creative Team

Artist: Dr. Margery Knight (1889 – 1973)

Written and performed: Louise Ashcroft

Film: Kim Fisher

Piano: Richard Black

Click here to adventure from your armchair.